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Google’s May 2020 Core Update: All You Need to Know!

Posted by Prachi Priya

It is common for Google to keep on updating its algorithm and the recent one is May Core Algorithm Update. In such uncertain times of COVID-19, the updates have brought uncertainty in trending keywords. Google comes up with numerous updates every year and some of the same results to having a far-reaching impact on the SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) of companies.

The Coronavirus effect is not restricted to some defined firms. However, call centre companies taking care of telephone answering services have been affected a lot. BPO companies majorly work on labor-intensive functions, which is why most firms are not able to allow work from home to the agents.  

If we talk about the objective of the updates, the main aim of Google’s updates is to boost customer experience and make the search results more relevant for the users. However, these updates bring fluctuations in the business webpage rankings, which is why SEO professionals have to look after it and answer clients who inquire about the related concerns.

Presently the world is undergoing a time of recess where the Coronavirus pandemic has affected the global economy adversely. At such times, an update in Google can bring several changes to a business webpage management, thus taking care of the same is crucial.

Read More: Why is Search Engine Marketing Indispensable in a Pandemic?


Google Announced the Roll-out of the Latest Core Update and here is what the official Twitter handle says:



The update is a typical broad core algorithm update, which will bring in changes within a week. Most of the business’s organic results change with Google updates, which is why companies keep a strict check on modifying updates.  

If you feel you can handle the update and bring an instant fix for your webpage, you are wrong! There is no instant fix of such updates, which is why companies keep an eye on the changes and make sure that they update themselves as soon as an update comes.

Google’s updates at several times bring a downfall in companies’ webpages. This isn’t the result of in-effective SEO strategies, however, it may be due to the aim of Google to find a better query result for the users.

Content authority and clarity play a crucial role here. If your content is not up-to-date and does not cater to user requests, Google may not rank your website in the top list. This is why companies emphasize on research-oriented content that includes graphs, videos, hoardings, etc. Companies also initiate their writers to integrate self-descriptive videos in the content to make it more interactive and attractive.

Google has also talked about the significance of content in its E-A-T update. EAT is Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness of content. Goggle says that any business webpage that does not take care of its content’s expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness may lack behind competitors that have a better authority of content.  Thus content is the king!

Read More: Google EAT Update: What does it mean to the Market!


The recent unusual times due to COVID-19 affect the SERP (Search Engine Result Pages). Here we pen down a brief:

In times of a global pandemic where the country’s economy is suffering a lot, a change in Google’s algorithm activity is normal. Such a change that several businesses might be facing in their page rankings may be due to global change in trends due to the pandemic or because of new Google’s algorithms.

Several local businesses have gone under lockdown due to the pandemic, which is why the search results are been affected. Nevertheless, businesses need to be patient and need not worry too much about the altering rankings as things will normalize soon.

If we look deep into webpages fluctuations, health and wellness websites have noticed massive changes. Google does not want any wrong information to reach its user, which is why strict guidelines are been used to modify the content that reaches the user.

Health and wellness websites are been considered strictly because most people are searching for content related to the same. Thus, any miscommunication at such times can be a disaster, which is why Google keeps a check on everything.

If your business webpage is witnessing traffic drop on particular keyword positions, you need to work on some particular changes. In the end, there is no need to worry and keep focusing on quality work.

Read More: Augmenting Marketing Strategies With Google Tools!


Check out the Search Engine Result Pages fluctuations witnessed recently through trackers:




Source- stanventures


Numerous algorithm tweaks take place every year. However, some are important and bring in actual changes. The algorithm update between 8th to 13th February was a broad core algorithm update introduced earlier. Before the update rolled out, Google announced all related to the algorithm.


In the tough times of COVID-19, here are the new SERP features:


Source- pathinteractive

The information panel has received an update that aims to help users with the necessary information about the pandemic.

Alike the same, there is a new “SOS Alert” panel that indicates that the pandemic is creating a state of emergency and makes other crucial information available to the user too.


Source- pathinteractive

Along with these alerts, Goggle also remembers to make the users watch videos of security tips to avoid Corona.

Read More: Threats to Business from COVID-19!


Wrap Up:

The outbreak of the deadly COVID-19 virus has created havoc around the world compelling people to take virtual measures to perform buying and selling practices. Companies are compelled to work from home too

Well, with the rising infection rates, people are quarantined at their homes and such a practice has brought detrimental effects to most businesses affecting the ranking of their webpages.  Telephone answering firms, i.e. – BPO companies are affected by the pandemic a lot as only those companies survived those had access to cloud solutions.

Thus, to survive in this technologically efficient era make yourselves creative enough to woo the customer’s interest. Moreover, be ready to offer virtual services and perform work from home functions to keep the business alive in a pandemic.

Thanks for reading!

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