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AI Helping Businesses Muddle Through COVID-19!

Posted by Prachi Priya

The Coronavirus pandemic has created a crisis like situation all over the world where the companies are compelled to adopt the ‘new normal’! The pandemic has changed the way of living and several companies will now function in a new manner too.

Among the most affected companies, if we talk about, BPO Company offering telephone answering services and other outsourced facilities are the most affected. Since, call answering service providers followed a labour-intensive task force, which is why they were unable to manage their services remotely post the pandemic.

Although cloud-based call centres did not face many issues in remote functioning, however, most BPOs lacked cloud-based services, which made them struggle through the virus outbreak period. When we talk about the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in helping companies ease their functions remotely, there is much that AI does for them.

Not only for the call centre companies, but AI enhances service performance in other sectors too. Several business functions are at risk due to COVID, which is why we team up the perks AI can bring for your company, check out:


1. 24X7 service availability

In times of COVID, when a BPO company has AI assistance for its company, its call answering service augments easily. AI does not require a manual agent to be present for support, which is why it becomes easy to deliver 24X7 services to the customer.

Most customers will not like their requests answered post lockdown when they do not want the same anymore. Thus, to avoid customer dissatisfaction, and to reach the potential customer on time, make sure to adopt AI-driven technologies and help yourself deliver 24X7 services.

Amid the high rising risk to businesses, some sectors flourished too. Want to know about them? Here they are:

Sectors that flourished during COVID-19


2. Augmenting demand and supply

In times if a pandemic when companies are running short of agent availability, AI can help in meeting the demand and supply needs. Most companies in this pandemic are operating remotely but for companies based on the manual workforce, AI can be the bridge to customer-business interaction.


Well, companies struggle matching demand and supply requirements when a pandemic hits a country because the major cities go under lockdown.

In such scenarios, AI can help in meeting the demands easily. With data-driven knowledge, AI can help organizations understand the customer requirements and meet the demand accordingly leveraging AI-based Chatbots, virtual assistants, and 24X7 services.


3. AI in easing remote functions

In times of a pandemic, AI can help companies ease remote responsibilities. Conducting hassle-free tasks is not easy for agents who work from home until they use AI privileges.

Why does AI get so much pomp and show?

Well, AI-driven technologies can learn emotional intelligence and can help agents on WFH ease operations, thus it is vital. Don’t worry AI’s emotional intelligence won't bother you like humans.

Not only is this but the pandemic scenes also give birth to various myths related to the business functions, maybe because of lack of customer-business communication during the lockdown. AI in such times helps businesses with instant information verification, which would otherwise take a lot of time if done manually.

How AI can support companies

AI eases service operation to some extent and can help business services grow even with less workforce. Thus, every company needs to make sure that they integrate AI functionalities to business functions as it proves to be splendidly helpful in a crisis.


4. Self-service assistance

With the help of Chatbots and AI assistants, businesses get self-service empowerment. The customer service questions that every company used to answer with the help of manual agents are now taken care of by AI-driven bots.

In times of a crisis when it is hard to manage all functions with manual services, AI helps to automate answering services easily. You just have to feed your bots with correct answers of the most repetitive questions asked by callers and the bot will answer the same when a similar query arises again.

Customers appreciate calls answered by bots irrespective of call waiting, which may piss them off easily. Not only is this, but assistants make the business self-reliant rather than compelling the company to wait for a dedicated staff to be available.

With AI’s self-service assistance, companies can assure customer satisfaction for their clients too.


5. Virtual Assistants

A virtual agent at times of crisis is like a blessing. Imagine a call centre company that handles customer support for various clients. How will it survive and keep regular functions on the road at times of repetitive lockdowns for months? What is the key?

Well, indeed by adopting the new normal that includes companies using virtual assistants as partners! Here is how AI will help more in attaining the new reality:

New reality

Virtual assistants help to handle the business call answering services with 24X7-service accessibility.  Without AI, companies required agents present 24X7 to answer each call, however, with AI, most monotonous functions are simplified.

At times of such a crisis, it is vital to have an automated system to handle the business functions when there is a lack of manual agents. Thus, AI can be your guardian angel, as it keeps a check on repetitive functions.


6. No privacy error

When a company thinks of outsourcing functions, privacy issues are the first to come to mind. Nevertheless, at times of a crisis when a privacy threat can be a nightmare, you can rely on your outsourced partners’ credibility if they have AI perquisites and have a name in the market.

There is no fear of the business data when the functions are AI-driven. In times of crisis, companies need to work upon their data gathering, and thereafter with the help of machine learning and analytical results, the data can be simplified and utilized with the help of AI.


Moving further, here we discuss how the post-COVID world would be for businesses:

It is not new for companies to have used data analytics, machine learning, robotic process automation, and AI. The post COVID world will see companies taking decisions with an all-new mind leveraging modern technologies.

Companies at such pandemic times realize the threat to four major sectors and to respond to the same, AI-driven analytics is been used. Check out the sectors been focused:

4 major sectors prone to threat

Considering the best example, BPO Company was among the most adversely hit industry with the lockdown and the time to come will see the industry running remarkably with cloud-based solutions, which most BPOs avoided earlier.

Post-COVID, companies will make decisions analysing immense volumes of data that predict human behaviour and requirements. The lockdown has highlighted the need for companies to get along customer requirements and deliver the same on time before a competitor makes the customer their loyal partners. 

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