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5 Stages of Sales

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Sales are an ambiguous sphere of life. Without it, society cannot exist; it is a circulatory system. In this case, the businessmen, the attitude is ambiguous. Those who receive a commission for being a link between a producer and a consumer are not respected. And although our country that experiences a deficit of socialism, sellers are not loved even though they made our society free and independent.

Science to Sell

Each science has a set of basic knowledge, which you can use to consider yourself competent. A chemist should know the periodic table, the physicist Newton’s laws, the psychologist of Freud’s teachings, and the politician of Marx’s works.

In sales, such fundamental knowledge can be considered – Lead Generation Services play a significant role in boosting sales.

Lead generation is the process of contacting the potential prospect or customer who searched the business service. These are the potential leads. Later the business tries to connect to these leads through emails, texts, and calls trying to influence them to buy the business product/service. When a business influences a prospect to the business loyal partner, it augments sales and earns revenue for the business. 

5 stages of sales. If you have mastered this technology, then you are a good seller. Moreover, if you are asked to sell a pen at an interview, then know that the recruiter wants to see a demonstration of 5 stages of sales. So, let's take a look at what are the stages of sales of a sales manager.

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If you want to learn how to sell, I recommend that you first learn exactly 5 stages of sales, and then everything else. It is worth noting that a lot of factors affect sales and the five steps of sales are not a panacea. But if you want to verify the competence of the seller, then compliance with the stages of sales is one of the most important parameters.

What are the five Stages of Sales

5 stages of sales (sales ladder, 5 steps of the seller) is the most common sales scheme, it is often called the classic sales model. This sales technique has been tested by the experience of thousands of sellers who have successfully applied it around the world.

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Five Stages of Sales are the Sequential Implementation of the following actions:

  • Establishing contact with a client - to start talking with a stranger, you need to be able to start a conversation. Making contact with a stranger is not so simple.
  • Identification of needs - sales are mutually beneficial relations between seller and buyer. Not knowing what the potential client needs, the transaction will not take place.
  • Product presentation - anything is needed only if it is valuable, its value is formed by the correct presentation.
  • Work with objections - anyone who gives the earned money has doubts, and for a successful transaction, they must be overcome.
  • The completion of the transaction - even when the client is ready to buy the goods, he needs a push that will make him cherish - yes.

Performing these steps, you bring the client to the transaction and complete it. Moreover, the sale is not an imposition. This sale is based on needs. That is, the client himself agrees to the purchase, nor any pairing. Each stage is part of the system, and if one thing is removed everything collapses.

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Rules for applying Sales Stages

There are some rules for using these steps:

  • A strict sequence of 5 stages of sales, you can’t start the presentation without identifying the key need of the client (or without forming the need )
  • Completing each stage completely, if you have poorly established contact, it is unlikely that they will let you ask questions. If the sale ends at one of the stages, then, as a rule, the problem is at the previous one;
  • The time limit of each stage, each stage lasts exactly as long as necessary. Often the seller, immersed in one stage, cannot move on to the next.
  • Always consider the individuality of each client. This means that the blind execution of the stages will not bring results if you do not add emotional color.
  • Constant self-improvement and analysis of what is happening. Follow the results of your contacts. If something goes wrong somewhere, change the approach.

In some companies, the stage of work with objections is included in the completion of the transaction (then 4 stages of sales are obtained). Also, the stage of preparation for the sale is often added. Since there is no preparation when directly contacting the seller and the buyer, I do not take this stage into account. Although I believe that in any business, and such an important one as the sales technique, it is especially important to prepare for the direct interaction between the seller and the buyer.


Keep in mind that each of the 5 stages of sales can be divided into sub-stages. And each has its own characteristics, and in some sales, these features can play a very large role. Therefore, many areas of trade have their stages of sales. For example, in b2b sales, it is often possible to meet the stage of reaching the decision-maker ( decision maker ), in FMCG (everyday goods). Sales representatives often encounter a merchandising phase, in cellular retail (and not only in it) where the main profit comes from the sale of accessories and additional services, focusing on the sale of related products (resale stage). Examples can be carried out quite a lot. Therefore, on the pages of the site, you will get acquainted with each direction individually.

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What other Sales models are there?

In trading, there are many ways to make a customer make a purchase. Therefore, before studying sales, you should study the types of sales. If you want to study sales methods of sellers, it makes sense to read about SPIN sales. If you are engaged in telephone sales, then sales scripts and para verbal are of great importance. Whenever want credit card was a check for your Ecommerce website then use very useful website credit card generator this tool use generate bulk credit card number for any format like Jason  

Also, there are many proprietary sales techniques, such as the straightforward belief system of Jordan Belfort.

Sales not Taught

For all that, up to a third of the population works in sales, the stages of sales are not taught at universities. This is nonsense, but it is. Many people think that only one who has charisma, oratory, and other qualities that make people go behind can become a seller. The seller is not a leader and not a leader, it is a person who helps solve the problems that the client faces.

Sales cannot be taught, they can be mastered only by practicing. But without understanding the 5 stages of sales, without following them, you can never solve customer problems and be useful to society.

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