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Call Centre Outsourcing: A Way to Tackle High Call Wrap-Up Time

Posted by Rahul Garg
A Way to Tackle High Call Wrap-Up Time-min

In this customer-oriented era, organizations need to offer an awe-inspiring support service. Do you know when customer service operations can be operated with flying colours? Nope! When tasks, after ending support interactions, get done perfectly.

By and large, in-house call centres struggle to keep the call wrap-up time in control, thereby, facing a hard time while giving a response to maximum customer service requests. It’s no brainer this leads to the problem of customer turnover, which can hamper the business growth at an extreme level.

Usually, it is believed that support interactions end when agents provide satisfactory solutions during customer calls. But this isn’t true because there are some certain tasks that service agents are supposed to do after ending customer calls, and the time that tasks consume is called ‘Call wrap-up time.’

The most cited reasons behind high call wrap-up time are outdated technology, unavailability of staff, and less experience. To avoid the negative consequences of high call wrap-up time, call centre outsourcing is deemed as the perfect solution.  

To calculate call wrap-up time, this formula is used:

Average wrap-up time = (Total Handling Time – Total Hold Time – Total Talk Time)/Total Number of Made Calls

Both call wrap-up time and business growth share an indirectly proportional relationship. That’s why keeping call wrap-up time low is momentous.

Take a gander at beneath pointers to learn how presumed call centres in UK decrease the average call wrap-up time for better efficiency levels:


1. Stringent Call Centre Agent Training 

To get any task done, it is significant to have the proper training for the same, right? Both reputed inbound and outbound call centre service providers comprehend how much having trained agents is important, thusly, so many efforts are put to improve training programs.

During the call centre agent training programs, newly appointed service reps are told why it is important to update data vital information after every support interaction. In addition, a few methods are taught so that the call wrap-up time can be kept under tight restraints.

Besides that, it is ensured that call handling agents don't confront any issue while using the CRM system or software programs so that nothing can hinder customer service operations.


2. A Central Repository of Resolutions is Used  

Businesses that opt for call centre outsourcing often enjoy pared call wrap-up time because customer care service providers do everything in their power to deliver the best results, which not only meet SLAs but also promise strengthened customer base. During the peak hours, keeping the call wrap-up time in control becomes an arduous task because there are so many customer calls to respond.

As we have already mentioned, high call wrap-up time always has a bad impact on business growth. To avert unexpected hassle, it is critical to lessen the AHT (average handle time). By doing so, call centre agents get enough time to do after call work without compromising with the quality of solutions.

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To lessen the average handle time, having a central repository of solutions, i.e. knowledge base, is fundamental. By virtue of reliable knowledge base, call handling agents can quickly eradicate issues discussed during service interactions.

Plus, support agents have clear instructions to make notes of those issues, which have no mentioning in the knowledge base. After that, higher specialists take the necessary actions, which as a positive catalyst to both CSAT score and productivity levels.


3. Using the Hold Time Smartly

These days, maximum businesses outsource call centre functions in order to secure faster resolutions for customers. A swift resolution to queries always exhilarates service experience of customers, which as a corollary, prompts a positive WOM.

But the problem is that quick resolutions cannot be provided each time because sometimes support agents require additional time to obliterate complex issues. For the same, they have to hit the hold button, which customers usually don’t mind as all they want is one-stop solutions.  

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During the hold time, call handling agents firstly look through different databases for the sake of serving customers the best possible solutions. Afterwards, they fill up a few sections of call log in order to diminish the ACW load. This smart move is explained during training programs. As a positive consequence, the CSAT score rises and the call wrap-up time stays in control.


Last Couple of Words:

In the present time, ensuring customers don't get a single chance to think about switching to another brand is fundamental. To guarantee strong customer relationships, businesses go for call centre outsourcing these days.

Indeed, call centres in UK do their best to live up to customer expectations. For the very same reason, they try to dwindle the call wrap-up time, and we have already told how they do that.

Thanks for reading!

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